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Hey i haven't been on since yesterday, can anybody tell me anything important?

Guest Jedi Trunks

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Guest Jedi Trunks

Hey i haven't been on since yesterday, can anybody tell me anything important? i had school and couldn't get on.





Trunks, Supreme Jedi

"I was merely here to save a life, now I must kick some Cell Ass."

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Guest Sith-Lord GanjaTron

YEah, i can.. You can't draw for sheeit! and your a jackass for writing such a stupid post.

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Guest Darth Wart

Hey, Sith Lord Ganjatron: You're a cocksmokin' asshole for comin' in here, startin' **** like that.


Eat the peanuts outta my ****, you pathetic ****head! Nobody ****s with my friends like that.


And I don't care if this board does kick me out for using such language: you deserve it, asswipe!


Get the hell out of here and go visit some porno site.

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Guest Jedi Kanigget

I doubt you'll be kicked out, Darth Wart. But yelling at Sith Lord whatshisface won't get rid of him. If Ganjatron is being, in the words of liquidkid, a "dick", ignore him. (Which, from what I've seen, he is.) If his posts are ignored, he will soon quit. Besides, if he, or anyone else gets to be too much of a pain, the moderators will step in.





Darth Wart's Strategy Guide in a friendly, easy to use form!(Sorry, that was bad.)


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Guest Derbunk

it seems as if we shall have to notify the supreme chancelor of the arrival of a new "Dick".

May his poops be many and his socks be few.





Walking fleabag of the Un-Council

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Guest Jedi Trunks

man i can draw like i was Akira Toryiama himself. i'll kick ure @$$ so hard ure momma will have you use her Pe**s in ure mouth and pop out your head.





Trunks, Supreme Jedi

"I was merely here to save a life, now I must kick some Cell Ass."

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Guest Darth Calypso

dont listen to darth whatshisname, trunks, man, i think you can draw great biggrin.gifbiggrin.gif




"you're no good to me dead"


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Guest gnossie

Hey, just to let you know: I've seen a lot of pictures from DBZ that idiotic little kids seem to either trace or copy (badly) from original Toriyama works. That doesn't seem to be the case with this drawing at all! It's damn good if i do say so myself. Keep up the great work!

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Guest Barnabas Antilies

Try using ink. Crayons don't make for a good picture. Why do you call it flaming? Isn't a flamer a fag?





Father Barnabas Antilies, Supreme Chancelor

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Guest Ikhnaton

if you need a refresher on what flaming is, you can re-read the UBB Terms of Agreement page that you agreed to when you signed up.


You *did* read it, right?

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Guest Barnabas Antilies

I was drunk the first time I signed on so I must have missed it. But thanks I'll go back and read it.





Father Barnabas Antilies, Supreme Chancelor

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