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Multiplayer (LAN)

Ol' Ben Kenobi

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A store Bought Copy of JKII running on a LAN with only that copy.


First of all How many PC's are on your LAN.


If 4 or more computers this may sounds like alot of work and I would recommend buring the CD for each computer... Theres no CD key that will not disallow more than one copy to play Multiplayer.



You can do this if you....


1st Have the Disk in the main Server, "The pc that will host the game." get the game started and idle on a map.


2nd Take the CD out of the Drive and put it in the 2nd machine and log into the Server. Do this for each other computer on the Lan.


3rd Take the CD out of the last computer on the LAN and place it in the Host Computer.


thats All


I tested this on 2 computers and It works, even if the server changes map or gameplay you will be okay..



hav fun



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