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Help from wart needed

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wart, (or anyone else) what does Mace's force power do when he gets that blue sphere around him, ive been tinkering w/it, and i cant figure out what it does!




Say "hi" to Bango, Jo-Jo's friend and faithfull sidekick.He helps me bounty hunt.


The Un-Council's Disgruntled Bounty Hunter


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Guest Darth Wart

When Mace presses L2 + C, a defensive bubble is created around you. It kills enemies that touch you, but it DOESN’T deflect lasers back at the shooter. Oddly, taking cannon fire with the bubble on will not help to repair your health meter. Tanks CAN be destroyed with it (with difficulty; better to use L2 + X). If you're taking damage, it will recharge your health bar, particularly if you're getting HEAVILY attacked (such as by Maul or the droidekas). It uses up your blue bar comparatively slowly.






There is a FREE complete online JPB strategy guide (frequently revised) available at:


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Guest Sorcerer_Vinny

OK, then whats does the other sphere do? (Mauls, Plos, and Obiwans?)



qui02.jpg Sorcerer_Vinny

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Guest Jedi Kanigget

Directly from the guide:


1. For Obi-Wan, Maul, and Plo:



A defensive bubble is created around you. It damages enemies that touch it. It deflects lasers back at the shooter. With this bubble on, cannon fire cannot hurt you. Attacks on it DO NOT recharge your health. Tanks cannot be destroyed with it. Using the bubble uses up your blue bar quickly. The only difference between these three characters' bubbles is the animation and color of the bubbles.





Darth Wart's Strategy Guide in a friendly, easy to use form!(Sorry, that was bad.)


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