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Cameras in Multiplayer


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Game mode: MP

Map type: FFA



I was just wondering if there is a way to get a camera/monitor pair in a multi player map. I have done it in SP maps but I know it isn't done the same way for MP. The entities are all there in radiant when I define my project for multi player editing but it doesn't work. So any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.


P.S. If you could please use small simple words that would be great. I’m not too bright.

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Yano that is something ive been trying to get to work for some time now and ive had no luck at all.Ive tryed many different things to get it to work.And still trying some things but i dont think its possible in multiplayer.Like you said everything is there to do it but it does not work in multiplayer for me.I read a tutorail on it but it was a q3 map for multiplayer and it says you have to use a portal sfx which we dont have in jk2 i dont think anyways because i cant find it.If you have any luck let us all know that would a wonderfull thing.




heres the link check it out.


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