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Unable to Find Answers For Specific Questions.......


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I haven't been on these forums for quite some time, but I searched for answers to my questions with the search function for like 2 hours and only got a few good answers.:(


I know forum goers get upset when people ask the same questions over and over, but I wouldn't be asking unless I truly couldn't find the answers on my own. If they have been answered well before, if you could please aim me in the right direction, that would be great.:) So here are my questions and if you are somehow aggravated by them, please move on.... Maybe other people need these answers too.


1. I found some info on how to change the individual saber hilts for NPC's in SP, but not enough. Has anyone figured it out? When I say this I mean I want Jedi and Reborn to have different hilts since they use the same class. So if anyone knows I would like to know how to add custom saber hilts to individual NPC's if it's possible yet.


2. My second question is can you change the individual Jedi and Reborn models? Let me elaborate. Say I want to make Jedi=Obi Wan, Jedi2=Qui-Gon, and JediF=Mace Windu, is this possible? Or do you have to use the same model but different skins? Same for the reborns, can I make the different types (reborn, rebornforceuser, etc....) into different character models? Any input is appreciated.


3. Third question is can you change SP NPC's height and if so what's the method?


4. What is the importance of a shader on character models and will it matter if the model has it or not. For instance, I switched the Stormtrooper model with Jango Fett, and when I spawn him in SP, I get an error saying it couldn't find the shader. I see the shader when I'm replacing the Stormtrooper model, but can't figure out out to pk3 it up. So, do I even need the shader, will it make the model look better? If so, would someone tell me how to pk3 it up. I should tell you i know how to switch models easy.


5. Last but not least, I have questions about character sounds. I notice when Luke is fighting a Reborn, sometimes the Reborn will let out some chatter, while Luke is silent. Now, I checked the assets.pk3 and I know about the types of sounds for each character like, taunt, taunt 1, pain, etc..... I tried to add talking lines to Luke for pain and a few others, but when I spawned him, it said the MP3's were not sampled at 44100 when I know for a fact they are, anyone have any ideas? Also I noticed Desann and Reborns have different audio situations like Gloat, Anger, Victory, etc.... So, can I add these actions to an NPC like Luke? Or is it not possible. One last thing, I noticed some NPC's have more than one taunt for example, (taunt , taunt1, taunt2,etc...). If someone like Luke only has one taunt, is there a way to make him have more than one taunt?


Well, I hope I didn't make anyone angry with my old questions ( if they are old in fact). If anyone can take the time to give me ANY kind of info on any of these questions, I will be VERY appreciative.:) Hopefully we can help some other people too. Thanks.:D

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:cool: FYI a lot of these questions are asked (don't know about answered...) on the JK2Files forums. Currently they're down though. Anywho, on with the show:


0- I'm going to assume that you know how to pack/unpack .PK3 files. If you don't.. well just use winzip. Test it out you'll see what I mean.


1- It's quite simple really, just put the hilt/sword model in the proper directory. There are 4: Kyles (juct called 'saber'), Luke's, Desann's and Reborn (that the Jedi also use). To actually edit the skin so it'll stay in the folder takse a bit of fingling with M3DView, you can take the lazy route in most catses and leave all the skins in the /saber/ directory.


2- You can change any character model. There are a few tricks, mainly edit the NPCS.CFG file in the /ext_data/ folder. Sometines the weapon dosne't come out at the right spot, so yu have to frist rename the new character's directory to (using your example) /JediObi/ and rename that guy's model_default.skin file (use notepad) to fix the skin locations.


3- Yea, in NPCS.CFG either add or edit the SCALE (look at Desann for example).


4- Shader usualy is a cool feature to a skin, rarely is it critical. Guuys here might shoot me for saying this but just edit it with Notepad.


5- I don't really know 'bout that much about the sounds. I don't THINK you can add stuff for Singleplayer. Multipplayer would be a differnent matter.

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Figured I'd bump this because I think someone should the answers to these question by now, and I'm dying to know the answers. Actually, Covax cleared up questions 1,2 and 3 for me but I'm a little unclear on 4 (How do I add a models shader when I'm replacing a Single Player NPC with a custom model?) and 5(Audio Taunts).


Any help please?

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:cool: I'm not a real modder... I'm just faken' it...


Anywho... How I have started fixing shaders (Dragon Remix was messed up for that, Blade Mod's doing better) is like this: Say you've got the Gundam model and want to replace the Mark1 battle droid with him. You've got the original shader code (open with Notepad):






map models/players/rx178/rx178

rgbGen lightingDiffuse



map models/players/rx178/chr



tcGen environment



map models/players/rx178/glow

blendFunc GL_ONE GL_ONE

rgbGen wave sin 0 1 0 0.5




So now what you want to do is alter those lines with the new 'directions' like so:





map models/players/Mark1/rx178

rgbGen lightingDiffuse



map models/players/Mark1/chr



tcGen environment



map models/players/Mark1/glow

blendFunc GL_ONE GL_ONE

rgbGen wave sin 0 1 0 0.5




Again, there's probably a better way to do this, but I've got to learn this stuff from scratch.

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