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Guest Saesee Tom

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Guest Saesee Tom

Looks kinda' fun, but combining hi-tech, purpousely built vehicles from all over the Star Wars saga is a terrible idea.


Case closed. 3/10

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Guest Saesee Tom

Looks kinda' fun, but combining hi-tech, purpousely built vehicles from all over the Star Wars saga is a terrible idea.


Case closed. 3/10

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Guest Dave Maul

Tom, you don't even have a Playstation, so what are you worried about?


The game looks fun because it's supposed to be fun. It doesn't require a good mind to work out complex puzzles. It's just a game where you can control your favourite SW vehicle and smash it up against another.

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Guest Dave Maul

Tom, you don't even have a Playstation, so what are you worried about?


The game looks fun because it's supposed to be fun. It doesn't require a good mind to work out complex puzzles. It's just a game where you can control your favourite SW vehicle and smash it up against another.

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Guest Kurgan

Don't knock it till you try it.


Hey, you wouldn't necessarily have to have a PSX to play it.. if you have bleem!cast, bleem!, virtual gaming station, a PS2, or PSEmu you should be able to run it. ; )



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Guest Kurgan

Don't knock it till you try it.


Hey, you wouldn't necessarily have to have a PSX to play it.. if you have bleem!cast, bleem!, virtual gaming station, a PS2, or PSEmu you should be able to run it. ; )



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Guest 84Elan

It is a rather wierd theme for a game "set in the Star Wars Universe" yet it could be good. I just hope that Obi One comes out for the PS2. As for Demolitions we will take a wait and see attitude.

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Guest 84Elan

It is a rather wierd theme for a game "set in the Star Wars Universe" yet it could be good. I just hope that Obi One comes out for the PS2. As for Demolitions we will take a wait and see attitude.

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Guest Kurgan

Well whether or not a game is "fun" is a matter of opinion. What one gamer finds fun isn't necessarily what everyone thinks.


I haven't played the game, so I can't judge.


When we were at E3, the guy showing it off said that it's basically you're in the SW universe and you blow stuff up.




[This message has been edited by Kurgan (edited June 14, 2000).]

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Guest Kurgan

Well whether or not a game is "fun" is a matter of opinion. What one gamer finds fun isn't necessarily what everyone thinks.


I haven't played the game, so I can't judge.


When we were at E3, the guy showing it off said that it's basically you're in the SW universe and you blow stuff up.




[This message has been edited by Kurgan (edited June 14, 2000).]

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Guest Dave Maul

I would like to see a lot of the PC games out on PS2. Mainly because I have a slow PC, and the games run really bad.


There are a lot of games that could be released. I would like to see Episode I Racer and Jedi Knight out for the new console.


Apparently, DF really sucked on PS (I haven't played it). What did everybody else think?

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Guest Dave Maul

I would like to see a lot of the PC games out on PS2. Mainly because I have a slow PC, and the games run really bad.


There are a lot of games that could be released. I would like to see Episode I Racer and Jedi Knight out for the new console.


Apparently, DF really sucked on PS (I haven't played it). What did everybody else think?

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Guest Dave Maul

Elan, you thought this game looks weird? Have you seen this new Lucas Learning game "Super Bombad Racing"!?!

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Guest Dave Maul

Elan, you thought this game looks weird? Have you seen this new Lucas Learning game "Super Bombad Racing"!?!

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Guest Kurgan

I don't see how Bombad can be considered a "learning" game.


All I learned from it was that in the SW universe people have huge heads and squeeze themselves into tiny ships and try to kill each other.. or something like that. Hey, that game has my attention for some reason.. maybe I just missed the Cart craze..


Dark Forces for the PSX. Played it. Actually the same as the PC version in every decernable detail. The only thing is you obviously can't use addons. I imagine on emulators and with PS2 it will have improved graphics...




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Guest Kurgan

I don't see how Bombad can be considered a "learning" game.


All I learned from it was that in the SW universe people have huge heads and squeeze themselves into tiny ships and try to kill each other.. or something like that. Hey, that game has my attention for some reason.. maybe I just missed the Cart craze..


Dark Forces for the PSX. Played it. Actually the same as the PC version in every decernable detail. The only thing is you obviously can't use addons. I imagine on emulators and with PS2 it will have improved graphics...




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Guest Dave Maul

It's made by Lucas Learning and distributed by LucasArts. Yes, it's basically the characters of SW in little vehicles, like Jar-Jar Binks, Darth Maul and Yoda. Saesee Tom and I have had hilarious conversations about special moves, like Yoda force-pushing the wheels off of Jar-Jar's cart, sending it swerving and exploding in a large fireball!

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Guest Dave Maul

It's made by Lucas Learning and distributed by LucasArts. Yes, it's basically the characters of SW in little vehicles, like Jar-Jar Binks, Darth Maul and Yoda. Saesee Tom and I have had hilarious conversations about special moves, like Yoda force-pushing the wheels off of Jar-Jar's cart, sending it swerving and exploding in a large fireball!

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Guest Darth_Simpson

I can`t see why people want firstperson shooters on consoles. Have you tried Quake 2for Playstation? The controls are terrible!!!


Just imagine Obi-Wan for PS2. This game will have a complex fighting system, and I do not see how we can control Obi-Wan with a Playstation controller. Just a TERRIBLE idea!

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Guest Darth_Simpson

I can`t see why people want firstperson shooters on consoles. Have you tried Quake 2for Playstation? The controls are terrible!!!


Just imagine Obi-Wan for PS2. This game will have a complex fighting system, and I do not see how we can control Obi-Wan with a Playstation controller. Just a TERRIBLE idea!

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Guest Cpl. Shepard

Not if the PS2 comes with a keyboard and a mouse. Then you'd have a cheap little "mini PC" and could play many PC games with ease. Of course, most people play consoles while sitting on the floor, and I can't imagine doing that w/ a keyboard and mouse.

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Guest Cpl. Shepard

Not if the PS2 comes with a keyboard and a mouse. Then you'd have a cheap little "mini PC" and could play many PC games with ease. Of course, most people play consoles while sitting on the floor, and I can't imagine doing that w/ a keyboard and mouse.

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Guest Kurgan

Well with analog and more buttons it's becoming easier to do.


A game like JK would be very hard, mainly because you have all those force power hotkey's and weapon hotkeys that, if they are replaced with cycling, really slows down gameplay.


However, many consoles are supporting keyboards/mice so perhaps that will change shortly.


A simple FPS that has a basic set of weapons, and your jump/crouch, and very little aiming would work fine on a console gamepad (ie: any pre-Quake FPS game).



Actually, I can see ObiWan coming to a console before JK. (Now this is assuming we're right about the info we've recieved thus far and they don't spring anything major on us in the next few months of course) Why? Well in JK, you did alot of shooting, so aiming was a high priority. Fast, aiming at that. Plus you needed to be able to switch to any of your 12+ weapons instantaenously, and all your force power and item hotkeys, etc.


But, apparently, ObiWan will focus mainly on using ONE weapon, with alot of tapping and holding style combos with the buttons (would be simple with analog). You don't have to be as precise, just fast. And the graphical capabilities, with a little tweaking, etc could be brought home on the console.


Hey, if they can do Q3A and UT on the Dreamcast and PS2, they can do ObiWan.


But, JK is another story.. graphically it's no problem, but I think the control setup would warrant a keyboard/mouse combo (or else something like what Vagabond does, with dual flight sticks and throttle peddles, if that's your thing).


But, I figure folks who start out playing FPSs on the gamepad setups probably will be more comfortable with those than folks who are set in the "mouse+keys" setup.



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