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Double-Bladed-Saber for SP


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is there a way to enable the double-saber for SP? the MP /THEDESTROYER command.


i know that there r some double-bladed-saber mods out. but i want the saber fighting style with the /THEDESTROYER command.


so would be cool if any of ya guys know how to get the "destroyer" command in SP working or a double bladed saber mod with the double saber fighting style.


thx i adv.

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:cool: Before anyone bashes this poor fellow...


No, there dosen not currently exist any way to get a Dual Bladed Saber in Singleplayer.


There are, in theory, ways to create weapons that would 'fake' it but there's little chance of them being made. At this point we'd have to wait for someone to make an offical JKO expantion pack, I'm pretty sure that would be at the top of the list of things to add.

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