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trigger brush question


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I'm a cruel man, and I answer: trigger_once triggers only once.


Still, why not add 2 trigger_onces? Let the first one be just an ordinary trigger once, if your situation is such that the player goes somewhere, ever at first in the same direction, and later comes back from a dead-end.


Say, when he begins the level, he goes south, launching the first trigger to spawn some enemies. The second trigger once is right next to the first, but set to inactive, so it won't launch. The player does something in the south, launching a trigger or a script that directs a target_activate to the previously inactive second trigger. Then, when the player returns north, the second trigger is active, causing new enemies to spawn in the north.


EDIT: Sorry, in my cruelty, I might have misunderstood you. Still, my saying may apply with little tinkering. Just put two trigger_onces in the corridor, a few paces apart. The northernmost will launch when the player is going south. In addition of launching the desired event, it targets a target_deactive on the southernmost. And vice versa. Thus, it depends on the direction of the movement, what kind of effect is gotten, but any effect is got only once.

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well, its my fault... i should ahve said if i walk south down my hallway, i'd trigger on event, OR, if i'd walk north, i'd trigger the other...


you answered my question though, with using an in-active trigger. i wasn't aware you can do that.. this is going to complicate things worse by using using a trigger to trigger a trigger.. lol

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