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Guest DarkTrooper

what will happen to America  

12 members have voted

  1. 1. what will happen to America

    • war will start
    • we will find and kill Bin Laden
    • we will bomb Afgahnistan
    • i dont know

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Guest Gamma732

Unfortunately, I think tie's right....and I'm going to be turning 18 and graduating in 9 months. Also, unfortunately for me, theres a possibility of a draft by then :(

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Guest Sherack Nhar

Gamma, before they start a conscription, they'll accept volunteers... and as it is now, about 80% of the american population would be going for it :D

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Guest xwing guy

There's a possiblity of war but its gonna be more like we go in and capture or kill bin laden unless somebody trys to protect them then it will be war.

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Originally posted by xwing guy

There's a possiblity of war but its gonna be more like we go in and capture or kill bin laden unless somebody trys to protect them then it will be war.


Easier said than done, unfortunately. Bin Laden is almost impossible to find, and therefore impossible to kill except by dumb luck. However, if we do manage to find him, the entire 5 kilometer area around is is gonna be turned into wasteland. :D

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Originally posted by Sherack Nhar

Gamma, before they start a conscription, they'll accept volunteers... and as it is now, about 80% of the american population would be going for it :D

Plus if they ever made the draft they take olderest to youngest. Which means most likely it won't be you :(

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Guest Gamma732
Originally posted by Sherack Nhar

Gamma, before they start a conscription, they'll accept volunteers... and as it is now, about 80% of the american population would be going for it :D


Yeah, that is a good point...but if they got to the point where we lost enough troops to need a conscription, don't you think the public would be turned away from it then? I've heard numerous things about Afghanistani terrain, cities, and the people there. It sounds more and more to be shaping up to be a Vietnam 2001. I sincerely hope it never gets to that level, but it can if the gurellias in Afghanistan are anywhere near as good as news reports make them out to be. If the fighting got to that level, I doubt most of the public would still be so wlling to be shipped overseas.

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Guest dr_death

to kill a man for killing other men is not justified, killing is either right or wrong, vengance is not right! to die trying to kill a man is not brave or heroic it is stupidness, you must think beond your human nature, what makes you different from ants????

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Guest Gamma732

I'm not saying I don't appriciate the freedoms and everything we have in this country. I do. However, I don't especially look forward to being sent off to kill others. I don't care what its for, killing is killing. I want no part of it. I do not want to live with something like that with me.

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Guest xwing guy

If I had to I would go and die for my country, and I would kill another person so that person could not kill others. Like if you could kill one of those terroist before they wreaked their plane into the WTC or the pentagon would you do it? I certanily would or die trying.

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Guest xwing guy

I think the plane in Penn was hijacked and the pilots killed but the passengers revolted and killed the hijakers, but during the confusion the plane crashed.

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Guest dr_death

if we all had the philosophy of

"i would rather die than kill"

then who would kill and who would be killed

i try to lead by example and i ask you to do the same!!!

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Originally posted by dr_death

if we all had the philosophy of

"i would rather die than kill"

then who would kill and who would be killed

i try to lead by example and i ask you to do the same!!!


no I will not do the same, listen Dr. death the way you are talking to take your freedoms, and your little damn computer your typing with for granted. We fought damn hard for the freedoms we all enjoy everyday, even just going to school, and telling us not support our military if the time comes, is a traitor in my books. Innocent people were killed when those planes crashed, and all of western society will not let those third world nations push us around, and tell us what to do, and when to be scared. The day of being scared is over, and i for one am ready to kick some terroist ass, SO WHO IS WITH ME?

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Guest Admiral Odin

I'm with you. Here is a little of what I believe..



1.I feel that the terrorist attack is an act of war, and we should respond accordinly.


2.All govs that harbor terrorist are just as guilty as the terrorist. They give them safe areas in which to plot the death of innocents.


3.We are at war, this will be a long war and a hard war. We have allies that support us. If we do nothing, thhen we will allow more innocent people to die.


4.I hate war. When I was little I feared my father would go to the Gulf and die, but I was proud that he served the USA. I don't want to fight a war but I will if required. I also think that there is a time when the olive branch must be put down and a sword taken in it's place. This is such that time.

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Guest dr_death

you have never had freedom!!!

if you had freedom would you work all day and would you fight to kill?

it isnt about freedom its about the human urge to fight

it dosent have to be so, i want peace but you war

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Guest dr_death

x wing you say "god bless america" but it was jesus's son that said turn the other cheek, jesus could of killed everyone but he didnt,

and i am right bye saying there will be peace if we all had the philosophy of

"i would rather die than kill" , do you realy disagree with me?

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Guest xwing guy

Yes I do disagree with you because it will NEVER be everyone rather die than kill. Also its not that we all want war its just that there has to be war, because if we didn't respond to this attack with war and not do anything then this would happen again and again and again.

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