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Guest DarkTrooper

what will happen to America  

12 members have voted

  1. 1. what will happen to America

    • war will start
    • we will find and kill Bin Laden
    • we will bomb Afgahnistan
    • i dont know

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You talk about wanting peace, but peace does not come without sacrifice, and no everyone wants the same thing, so convincing blood thristy terroists where their religion revolves around killing people from western society, and looking like heros when they die. Where is your god now Dr Death, and dont go bringing religion in to this, if god is so real why didnt he get off his ass and save the thousands of americans. Ok so peace with them is out of the question, and them killing us should never go un noticed or they will continue to hunt and kill us all, but you Dr Death have your head so far up you butt that you dont see the big picture, all you want to do is drag religion in to this when it has no part, and you want peace, and personally I dont think you even have any background information or any information about when the trade towers went down. You would rather die that kill, wow your country must be really proud(LOL< LOL<LOL<LOL) to have a slack of like you who would rather kill yourself that at least fight for your freedom, when you believe death is the outcome for both choices. All we would have is mass suicide, OH NO we ARE getting bombed, LETS GO HANG OURSELVES??(WHAT THE ****) Dr Death think before you let your butt speak, come on "die rather than kill" You damn right I disagree with you, I will not fear for my life everyday because of people like you who fear fighting for your country and solving the problem before it becomes epic!

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Guest dr_death

warlord, your respose is small minded, since the begining of man people have waged war for peace, has it worked? the answer is no therefore your solution to peace dosent work, i belive god lets things like this happen because of free will, it is the price we pay if god stopped these men then they wouldent have free will. Free will, that is what makes us different from ants(well not everyone) you may go to work and fight for your country/colony, just like an ant!!! but i am more than that

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Guest Admiral Odin
Originally posted by dr_death

you have never had freedom!!!

if you had freedom would you work all day and would you fight to kill?

it isnt about freedom its about the human urge to fight

it dosent have to be so, i want peace but you war


I have freedom, but that freedom is restricted, otherwise it would be anarchy. You don't think americans have freedom, then why can you post whatever you like and not be arrested? That is freedom.


but it was jesus's son that said turn the other cheek


do you even realize what that means. Turn the other cheek doesn't mean let a person hit you, and don't do anything.


When a christian was hit, they were backhand. Since using the back of your hand was to disgrace the person. By turning the other cheek you prevent that person form doing that. You stand up for yourself.


You wouldn't by anychance be Hannable from xwa.net?


and Funny name, Dr.death preaching peace.


Here is the thing, since the beginning of time there was never peace. There never will be peace. Peace is a dream that doesn't exist. When we are not at war, there is still shootings, ect. War happens when people want something, this war we want justice, and they want to see everyone dead.

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Guest xwing guy

Thats right odin, and any kind of peace we have here on earth we only be tempory because true peace will never happen untill the prince of peace(thats Jesus) comes back.

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Ah crap they brought religion in to this again, only those who believe in jesus, think that peace will come to us all, but only christians, so really jesus is more biasis than us all, even if he really exists(dont think its a shot at religion) . Peace is what we all strive for no matter what, and Dr Death would just rather die than fight, which makes no sense, hey someone backhand him. Yes war is an awful thing and people die, but what would you suggest we do after the terroist attack, go over for a confernece and ask for peace, it cant work like that with them, and they must be punished. Maybe war is peace, just look pakistan has sent more than 12 million troops to help fight against the terroists, china is supplying those troops with supplies, and weapons, britain has sent over 200 battleships, the USA is sending is whole arsenal, canada has given millions of dollars to the usa out of compassion for those suffering, and yes maybe war has shown that we can all work together in a democracy and get closer to peace or atleast putting up with eachother, even though the reality is as long as we are all different peace will never be possible. But that does not mean we should not punish those for commiting murderous acts.

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You call us ants, if we were ants we would be forced to fight, we are given the choice, and if we were all like you this world would have gone to hell with all of you saying no to fighting and than just dieing will a select few ruling the world as dictators, because no one wants to oppose them. No Dr Death you will end up more like an ant, following the orders of one supreme ruler. Think with your head not with your butt!

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Guest dr_death

this is not to do with my love for peace but more with my hate for war (suffering) some of us are forced to fight or forced to work, it is our human nature!!!

you might even call this the matrix

p.s the matrix is based on christianity, dont take my word for it but seek the truth of it

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Guest xwing guy

Poeple have to suffur dr. death, you just aren't tough enough to take it. And yes people have to die and suffur in a war but thats life, theres always gonna be people who want to hurt others and somebody has to step up and take a stand against the aggressors.

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Guest dr_death

people dont have to die or suffer but if people want to kill each other all the time they can do, toughtness is a state of mind, your mind does not go beyond human nature!

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your wrong our mind does go beyond human nature, thats what seperates us from the animals, we can think and learn, and adapt, just look at the variety of cultures!

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Guest Admiral Odin

It is a fact of life. People will sufer, they will die. If others didnt' fight those that caused the suffering then even more will suffer and die.


I hate war, I think it is terrible, but I don't let my hate cloud my judgement. War is necessary, and does accomplish things, if it didn't humans would have stopped wagging war a long time ago. If we don't call this a war and treat it like your suggesting then more will suffer and die.

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If people wernt suck jerks this never wouldn't happen in the first place. Humanity sunk to a new low when that happened. Maybe this wouldn't have happened if the developed nations were nicer in the first place... The people in 3rd world nations have nothing and all their people do all day is make shoes for us. Im not saying that the attack was justified but you should look at both sides of the story before you make them out to be totally evil. Most of the people in Afganistan are normal and are against the attacks. The people celibrating in the streets were the jerks and so are the people in the developed nations that want them all killed...

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Dr Death you preach that people should not suffer, but if there is no retaliation (i don't think you can declare war on a person...) then more INOCCENTS will die....who deserves to die more....the people inside the WTC? or the person who killed them? and yes he deserves to die. I belive in God.....i also belive in the death penalty......he bomed the pentegon....it is a milatary target....that is an act of war.....killing civilians......that is far beyond war........


on a side note asking if God existed and saying that if he did why did he not get off his arse and save the people in the WTC is just stupid....

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