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I have been fighting with this problem for some time now; the water shader. I'm following the instructions of Rich Diesals tutorial to the word: I make a brush that is entirely caulk, then i texture both the top and the bottom with the bespin/water1 shader. When i play, it shows up as a grate with really big holes, but it has all the qualities of water, it's not solid, it splashes when i walk in it, it doesn't let me out of my fountain i made when i didn't realize you can't jump effectively in water... :)



Now, i hope i can get you to understand the picture... ...this is how i've done it as a cut-trough, if it is wrong then tell me, please.


| |<-bespin/wall2'''''''bespin/wall2->| |

| |'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''| |

| |'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''| |

| | ----------------------------------------| |

| | ^top of waterb. , bespin/water1^ | |

| |'''<-caulk/waterbrush->'''| |

| |'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''| |

| |____________________________| |

| ^waterb. bottom bespin/water1^ |




I hope you get this... it's the simplest way of explaining how i did it... i looked in a few tutorials, planetquake.com/bubba was wrong, i hear, this is how Diesal explained it...

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surfaceparm	metalsteps
surfaceparm	nonsolid
surfaceparm	nonopaque
surfaceparm	water
surfaceparm	fog
surfaceparm	trans
q3map_material	Water
fogparms	( 0.14902 0.184314 0.494118 ) 512.0
       map textures/bespin/water1
       rgbGen exactVertex
       alphaGen const 0.2
       tcMod scroll 0.005 0.01
       tcMod turb 1 0.01 0 0.1
       map textures/bespin/water1
       alphaGen vertex
[b][i]        map textures/bespin/water1c[/i][/b]
       blendFunc GL_DST_COLOR GL_ONE
       tcMod scroll -0.005 -0.01
       tcMod turb 1 0.01 0 0.1


The bold-italic row refers to water1c texture but that doesn't exist.

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