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Texture problem


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Well I may have the same problem.


What did I do:


I placed my own textures on my brushes and when I compile them it looks good but.. when I check the map when packed with Packscape they will not show.

All I see is a blank brush. I did put the files in textures.


textures --> *.* all files.






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Originally posted by Super J

i have the correct folder structure: base/textures/jer/tex.jpg

and i put it in a pk3 with the bsp to make sure that it was in the right place. still nothing. someone please help.


OK, let me ask a stupid question. When you put your texture into the pk3, did you make the same dir structure in it?


Lets try something! Start up the game and enter sv_pure 0 into the console then start up your map. If it works, then you probably have some trouble with the dir structure of the pk3.

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I still keep my opinion what I told in my first reply. If you tried that and it didn't work then tell us.


That's an other question that when do you see any reference to a missing shader? If in compile time then I still say the same, move your "mytextures" folder into base/textures and use your textures from there.


The pk3 thingy helps if you use custom textures and they don't show up in your MP map. But you can reach the same result wothout a pk3 file if you enter "sv_pure 0" into the console before starting your map.

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Sorry Leslie but Ireally did what you said. But I also forgot to say something: In the console after loading the map in two rows standed this:


Refusing to load non-power-2-dins (640,480) pic "base/textures/maytextures/theauther"


WARNING: shader "...s.o." has lightmap but no lightmapstage


I don`t know what this mean.

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The first one makes itself clear. Your pic (base/textures/maytextures/theauther) is 640x480. 640 and 480 aren't the powers of 2, right? The texture dimensions have to be powers of two. It's not necessary to be the same, so 64x256 is also good.


The second one can be two things.


1. What is says. If you have a shader called "...s.o." then look in it's code. If you don't have either a "q3map_nolightmap" line or "{map $lightmap}" in it, then that's your problem.


2. something is wrong in generallly. Maybe you have two shaders with the same name, or something like that. This is what I met with at least.

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