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Easygen problem


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I only just started playing around with Easygen, everything is fine and the map loads up ok in Radiant - the problems is that when I try to compile the map, although it goes through the same process as usual, I don't get a .bsp file at the end so I can't use it!! Does anyone know what I am doing wrong??

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This could be one of two problems either one which I have no idea (thats the problem that happens to me occasionally) or #2 you might have jk2 radiant setup wrong. You can either read rich's tutorial on srtting it up by going to that link-> http://richdiesal.jedioutcastmaps.com/tutorials/gc101lsn2.html


or you can or you can do it my way which is quite easier I must add and rename your base folder to base1 or something (just for the time being) than install jk2 radiant to its default destination which one of them will be to the base folder than rename that folder to base 2. Now take all the files from base2 and move it into the according base1 directorys than rename base1 to plain old base.


:But note if your going with richs way than make sure when you change the paths that you leave all those extra double slashes and such, in the directory.



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Thanks Nate, but I am not sure that the problem is that I haven't got Radiant configured properly as I can still compile maps that don't include any terrrain that I have added from Easygen. It is only when I compile a map with terrain from Easygen in it that I have this problem!

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okay, go ahead and texture it in easygen, so you dont have to caulk etc..


then, in GTKradiant (use this, its much better :D ) open your map and select the func_group and delete all the keys except the func group one. Next select all the top faces (ctrl+shift+dragged click over faces) and change the textures to whatever you fancy.


and your done


hope it helps :D



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