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STUCK Doomgiver - Communications Array


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After you dispatch the troops in the next area, take the Officer's key and unlock the door. Head through the Communications command center to find the encryption mainframe for the array. Find the lift below the command center window and ride it down to the guts of the machine. There are three levels here, each one corresponding to a color, and each one containing a number of

panels containing elements of the code sequence. Hop around and look for the panels corresponding to the symbols in your Mission panel. All you have to do is hit the three panels that match up with the ones indicating the sequence for

Rogue Squadron's communicators.





can someone be nice enough to tell me what are the tree code ??

i got a sequence of 7 codes


a 7

than 3 vertical ||| whith a smaller one in the middel

than a sort of alladin lamp

than a triangle

than a square

than 3 horizontal lines or bars with a smaller one in the middel

than the ^ - v sort of ovni :)

than the arrow to the bottom



please tell me which are the blue red and green code :)

i know i have to hit three code but i just don't know how to find them.........

i' ve look all around but no idea :(



tks a lot :)

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there are certain rooms which you need to do a force jump to reach, look around closely, look up high as you can, youll notice some far off areas, there will be a way to force jump to reach these, beware there are enemies up there too. the ones you need to push are in those rooms.



i recommend doing a quick save after you make each jump.




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well according to what you said i kill the guard in those rooms


and i had a code sequence wich was red triangle,

green 7, and blue 7.


but once i was back to activate, it never worked :(


so i guess it was not the righ code :(


man trying to go on the right room is hard enough for me

if above that i have to guess the right code :(

i'm not gonna make through it


need help on that one.... :)

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