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Game suddenly starts locking up, looping..


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I've had this game since it came out and it has always worked fine for me. a few months ago I got a new computer and outcast seemed to run fine on it. however, a few weeks ago Jedi Knight started freezing, like it would lock up and a looping of the sound being played at the time can be heard. i've tried updating every damn thing you can think of and it still does it. I underclocked my card and it seems to help but it still locks up, just not as quickly. why would it work right before i shut down for the night, then stop working the next day with no changes to the system. I have tried a new card of the same type to no change


the thing is, other games work fine, like americas army and cs.


my system:


AMD 2400XP cpu

gigabyte GA-7VAXP KT 400 ddr ram mobo

ATI Radeon 9700 Pro

SB Live Value 5.1

512megs of ddr ram

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welcome to my nightmare. it only happens in Multiplayer for me, but others get it in SP aswell.




the following has solved the problem for others :


try disabling EAX sound


if that doesn't work

try deleting the jk2mpconfig.cfg (or jk2config.cfg for SP) from your base directory


if that doesn't work

try installing the OLD drivers that came with your sound card

if that doesn't work


try completely removing your SB live card and use on board sound (if you have it)


if that doesn't work

you'll be the same as me...very upset.



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