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best ship

Guest skarulez

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Guest Ben_Kenobi

Best ship would have to be a toss up between the N1 and the B wing wana be ship the Aliens ship handles like a pig but is armed to the teeth, but handling sux. The N1 is fast but kinda fragile it can not take too much pounding before it comes apart. Esspesially from those darn exploding torpedos or what ever they are. I have never seen them in any star wars movie that much is for sure! Those things cook you right quick.




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Vana's ship can't be beaten. If she can tag her target, there is nowhere to hide, and her seeker missiles can eliminate the shields on a Freighter in abour eight seconds -- if firing constantly. I like to tag many enemy craft (since most enemies enter the fray in formation, this is a simple task) and then, as the targeting bracket switches from ship to ship, simply fire and watch the fireworks. Nym's Havoc is tops for firepower, but it's a little too slow. (This was why Y-wings were ineffective in dogfights.) The N-1 boasts some good speed and remarkable turning ability -- a key in dogfightining in this game -- but the proton torps must be launched in groups to be effective, so it's stockpile is depleted rapidly against capital-class ships and heavily shielded targets i.e. Merc Leader. Retti's Mantis has a phenomenal secondary weapon, but moves like a "sleepy Hutt". I am still trying to unlock the Infiltrator, though reports say the weapons are TOO strong for some missions -- i.e. when disabling is the objective, not destroying.

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