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Some Questions...

Guest Wing Leader

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Guest Wing Leader

I am just getting started with the game.. but how do you guide Reti through the canyon safely?? I can't seem to blow everything up before I fly right over it. Also, in the droid factory board.. how do you blow up the command center in under 1 minute, with all the turret guns rocking you ship to bits??



I think, therefore I am....I think

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Guest Ben_Kenobi

Ok comander here is the deal To get wattos bro through the canyon with out getting him blown to bits you need to master the braking and zooming capability of your ship. Plus you need to be able to speed ahead to the targets then slow down and nail them then rush up to the next target. See no one comes from behind thank god so if you clear the path you can leave Reti in the dust and nothing will happen to him no matter how much he complains if you have cleared them they will not come back. Warning though do nto take too much time to nail the canyon tanks casue the ones in the open areas are a real challange so do not dilly dally get in nail them then move on.


As for the mission 9 I think you are on with the turrets on the volcano planet and command tower. Altitude and speed is the name of the game my friend. If you stay down around the turrets you will be blown to bits you need to keep you speed up and stay high and make runs on the command center back and forth like a crop duster. Don't get too close to the blast from those rockets casue it will cause as much damage as those turrets. Also have your wingman target and start attacking the command center to help you get rid of it under the time limit. Hope it helps.......Good luck Comander



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