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What's the deal with Midnight Munitions Run?

Guest dcareaga

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Guest dcareaga

I can't seem to get better than a bronze medal in this mission no matter what I try. I am apparently not killing all the missile tanks for one thing, and I don't know what else I am doing wrong. I can stomp the rest of the game except for this mission. Any help would be greatly appreciated.




Doo-doo or do not doo-doo

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Guest Ben_Kenobi

I know what you mean here is what I found! There are some AMT in some of the canyons just sitting there they are hard to see as they are at the bottem of the canyon kinda sitting off to the side and gray just like the canyon itself. Keep an eye to the ground when running the canyons and then you will get them all.



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Guest Veran

I have also had trouble with this one. There are three dropships, one in each widened arena except for the one with all the AMTs around it. Two torps and some lasers take 'em out real easy. I just found out from Kenobi where the last AMTs are - I actuall came here to find that out! Then it's just a matter of timing everything to beat it in under 7 min. Now I've gotta go find those damn missle tanks and beat the level. Thanks Kenobi! Hope I was of help to dcareaga, too!



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