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MOD's How To's For Newbies


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Lets make this thread a resource point for all the MOD makers Starters, post URLs for tutorials, Hint & Tips, Short txts, whatever, just dont ask questions here


Ill leave my contribution in, so u can Load your mod from the Jk2/setup/mod option screen


-Making my Mod show up on the Mod list in the game-


You need to have a Yourmodname.pk3 file in your ../jk2path/gamedata/Yourmodname directory

before it will show up on the in-game menu.

For creating a PK3 file, your just use Winzip, and the files in it should be the jk2mpgame.qvm and/or jk2mpcgame.qvm and/or jk2mpui.qvm depending of what packages u have changed. Also put the jk2*.map fle in it

Create a "description.txt" so that everyone knows how to install it and what it do :), but dont put it in the Pk3 file, like someone i know ;0, just place it in your zip/rar/whatever file, with the pk3 in it.

Just remember to creat a VM directory and put the jk2*.qvm & the *.map(if it doesnt work, try putting the *.map file outside of the VM directory)files in it, b4 making the pk3 file.


there is another way of making the pk3 file, but this one works just fine.

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