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Have you seen the video for starfighter

Guest skarulez

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Guest skarulez

The video on the lucasarts site is sweet!!!

almost made me teary-eyed the animators at lucasarts have created another brilliant intro sequence for their flight simulator games. I was kinda not sure about buying this game but after seening almost real N-1's flying over breath taking landscape,AAT's fireing laser cannon every

where as bombs and lasers fall from the heavens, but the most awesome sence and the video sequence was when N-1(insideview) swopes down on some kind of transport laser cannons blazeing as each laser hits the ship part of the ship go flying by cockpit the laser leave holes and the ship mean while thw whole battle is take place around you things are blowing up and flying by laser are going everywhere the stars are every where and the background and all this loads perfectily


well after whiping the drool off my mouth I know I going to buy this game



check the video out tell me what you think.

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