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They did it!! I knew Pukasarts would do this!!!

Guest slo poon

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Guest slo poon

They moved it back AGAIN! WTF? First, it's a launch title. Then, it's 11/20/00. Then it's 12/20/00 and now it's Q1 2001!

We'll be lucky to see this game before the PS2 price drops!


Is it just me or is Lucasarts seriously screwing up? Some of you say,"Well, at least they must be improving it, right?" Wrong. Remember TPM, or how about JPB for DC? I'm scared to see how Obi-Wan turns out. What a serious let down.

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Guest slo poon

And before you all give me flack about the Pukasarts thing, it's a joke.


I was pissed, Pukas rhymed with Lucas, and it's funny.


Quite the dangerous combination.

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Guest Dave Maul

Well, what can I say? I feel sorry for the people who have ordered their PS2 for Christmas; quite possibly the best title (that's saying a lot) won't be out for another few months!


Hopefully they will announce a DC port in a few weeks.




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I would say the chances of Obi-Wan appearing on the DC or the PS2 in the next two years (if ever) are very slim. A release on the Xbox is far more likely (if not a sure thing).



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Guest DarthGohan1016

Well I'am just glad there taking longer to make the game better, and I can wait for it, I'am in no hurry, btw it's almost 2001, so it won't be a long long wait...


*smiles knowing he canceled his PS2 order a week after he preordered it, hoping the price will drop after christman, and by the time Star fighter and MGS2 come out the PS2's price should have hopefully dropped a bit*

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Guest Dave Maul

You, my friend, are not only the first person to realise this, but also the first person to actually say it. Of course when Starfighter and MGS2 come out, the PS2 will be in the shops. Many stores will have special offers, and it will almost certainly be cheaper. That's why I cancelled my order.




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I got the impression they were talking about Starfighter, Kurg....


Oh, I'm sorry, I must still be in my Obi-Wan "post-announcement hangover"... ; p


I'll go take a nap now...



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