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This is crazy - dedicated server info


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OK ... I've searched/read quite a bit. PLEASE tell me there is a resource available that will help me set up a dedicated server, through a command line, from behind a firewall/router that will show up on the internet and available through the MP client. I can't piece together anything from these posts.





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Dont know about any online resources available to tell you how to do this but I will just tell you..



The first thing you have to do is Access your server Properties.


Pendin on the brand, to access Router Properties you have to enter a IP in the Address Bar of Internet Explorer to access the routher.


For Linksys its no username password: admin


Dlink is username administrator pw administrator


Stuff like that IT will be listed in the router manual



Once you Log into the Router you need to set up the DMZ HOST for the Server.. This will allow just that computer to be available for Gamers to log into your system without the router firewall stopping them...


Usually DMZ Host is under the Advanced Properties of the Router


You need to get the IP address of the server,,


Goto the SErver Computer pending on what OS your running. CLick Start, Run. type CMD or COMMANd


This will open the command prompt.


Type ipconfig


This will bring up the IP address for the computer


It will be or something like that




Type the IP of the server into the DMZ HOST slot where it ask's for the DMZ HOST IP.. Click Apply about 5 times to ensure it takes it.



I suggest restarting at this point.



Now we can set up your server...


MY Server Reccomendations is Vulcanus Mod 2.2


You can DL this mod at http://vulcanus.its.tudelft.nl/mars/jk2/mod/readme.html


Also check the forums at http://www.jedirunner.com


and Download JEDIRUNNER at that site, very good for 1st time Server Users.




Hope this helps out


Master Ninja

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Thanks for the info, but ...


Doesn't putting my PC in the DMZ open it up for attacks, etc? Right now it's my personal PC and that's why it's behind a firewall.


Also, jedirunner is kaput ... anywhere else?


[Edit] I found Jedi Runner ... thanks.


Is there somewhere I can get a basic FFA, Password, Bespin map config file? What about bot entries in the config file?

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You can still use a software program for Firewall protection while hosting a server, such as zonealarm, just tell it to allow JKIIded.exe to access the internet then you will be safe..


Only simple one I know is JediRunner its a good program for simple server's you can also customize bots usin this program..


Other than that I think you will be allright...



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