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Custom textures for .md3

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The easiest way would be to find the texture used for the chair and change it, then save in a new .pak and let it overwrite the old one.


If you don't want it to overwrite it, I *think* you will have to import the .md3 into a 3d program and re-export it. (I'm pretty sure this would work with Milkshape.)


Give me the full pathname of the .md3 and the texture(s) used for it and I'll give you more detail instructions if you want.

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Originally posted by 000nate

If its a model we don't have much to tell you here. You may want to try posting it on the forum devoted to modeling, and they might be able to answer that question there.


Funny thing is someone on the modeling forum said the same thing about coming here, as they didn't do maps and weren't interested in map objects, only player models.


I guess we .md3 makers are the bastards of the community with no place to call home. :p:D

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If you want to re-texture it without overwriting the original, you could resave it as a new model like this:


Make a text file with this in it:

// Quake III Arena MD3 control file, generated by MilkShape 3D


$model "\models\map_objects\customfolder\mychair.md3"

// 0 0 = all frames, -1 -1 = reference model, 1 30 = frame 1-30

$frames 0 0

$flags 0

$numskins 0


// meshes (surfaces)

$mesh "meshname"

$skin "\models\map_objects\customfolder\mytexture.md3"

$flags 0


"meshname" is whatever the actual mesh is called (look at what it's called in Milkshape 3D when you import it.. see below.)


Save that text file as mychair.qc and place it in the "\models\map_objects\customfolder\" folder. Re-texture the original texture and save it in the same folder with the new name mytexture.tga (or whatever you call it.)


Import the chair.md3 (or whatever it's called) into Milkshape 3D. Then export it back into the "\models\map_objects\customfolder\" folder and rename it mychair.md3 (or whatever again hehe.) Milkshape should reference that .qc file you made and make it read from the new texture you made instead of the old one.


Then you can load up the mychair.md3 into your map retextured and also have the old chair.md3 with it's old texture at the same time if you want.







You could just change the texture and overwrite the original. That's a much shorter step, eh? ;)

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