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Space battle or only AG action

Guest 84Elan

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Guest 84Elan

Any one know it this game will have space battle like X-Wing or is it going to be all AG(air to Ground) missions?


All of the reviews I read don't say or I'm missing it. It does look tight though. I will check back in 20 days to see if anyone has even drifted in. ;-).

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Guest Dave Maul

I have no definate answer, but it looks a lot like Rogue Squadron, and that had 2 levels set sort of in space: Level 6, The Jade Moon (You're not actually in space, but along the ground of a moon), and Secret Level 2, the Death Star Trench (No explaination really needed).


Actually, now I'm writing this, I think I read somewhere that it starts before Episode I and finishes during the movie, so it's possible there will be a "Battle Of Naboo" level where you and Bravo Flight go up against the Trade Federation Battleship.


Just quickly: Is this the one that is being released for PS2, or is this the one for N64?

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Guest Kurgan

It's basically a marriage of XWA and RS.


Imagine the interface and handling of XWA (without the resource management) but with the air/ground and small learning curve that RS had.


Does that make sense? It's really a new game, but that's the simplest way to describe it.


I figure Starfighter was meant, as this is the Starfighter forum (PS2).




[This message has been edited by Kurgan (edited June 10, 2000).]

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Guest 84Elan

Thanks gents! Yes this is the PS2 game battle for Naboo looks like RS all over again but it makes not diffents now anyway I sold my 64 for a down payment on a PS2. Anyway I really liked the resource managment on X-wing. Trade endine power for blaster re charging time and speed for shield power it was hot. I hope that SF has some space battles I mean come on how many movies have the fighters been doing WW2 style support and attack? Except for the snow speeders on hoth its been space all the way.

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Guest Darth_Simpson

I only have one queastion! Will Starfighter include the attack on the Trade Federation Control Ship? That would be kickass. Battle for Naboo has this level, I think, and you can fly a N-1 Starfighter in Starfighter ( duh! ) so why should this level not be included. It would have to be the last level, naturally!



Hunger leads to donuts...



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Guest Commander 598

Or secret.



Yeah its interesting to me that preparing looks is a great bit like sitting on your ass.

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