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advanced door question


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Ok What ive done is built my door and i made a switch to go along with it. When you go up to the switch and press your use button the door opens. Then after couple seconds it closes. I actually want it to stay open until you push the switch again. And vice versa. So that the player is in complete control of the door. How do you do this?

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Yeah ive tried there before. Actually one of my fav sites to visit. Unfortunately nothing there does the trick. Ive tried several things like different wait times in the entity box even the -1 which just made it open and close like crazy when i pushed the button on the wall. :o( Seems like it would be so simple but its proven to be so bloody difficult ;o(. Everything else is working right. I push the button and the door opens but then it shuts after a couple seconds. Just need it to stay....grrrrrr :o(

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If you are making a SP map, then you can check the TOGGLE spawnflag on the func_door.


If you are building a MP map, then you can't. If I remember somebody told that you can try with a very large wait time. In a MP map you will nearly never know that the door was shut automatically after... say... 999 seconds or by somebody else.

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Yeah i tried that and it stayed shut but then i couldnt get it open. It would work if i could figure out how to make a button that would open it back up. See i have the button so it will close. Is there a way to make another button so that it will open it back up? Just reselecting my trigger in the game doesnt open it back up. Any help would be great for this. Im kinda getting pretty desperate :confused:

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k 1. u can use func_timer to make it more time unclosed


2. i'm really not sure if u can do it but u maybe can a button that when u press it the door moves up and some invicivble block also move so it will block the door form closing and other button that will close the door but i'm not sure if its possible didnt try it.

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Now that this thread is about doors and switches, i'll just intrude with my question...

Right, i have this thing that is supposed to be a button, but when i have the texture/shader there it wont show up, any other tex is fine, but none of the original button textures will show up in-game. Any solutions?

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Do you have an error? A couple times ive gone to compile my map and some of the newly added textures showed up and some didnt then i quickly realized that i had an error turned out it was just a simple void leak. But this might not be your problem im just throwing out an idea. One other thing is are these custom textures youre adding? If they are you need to put the custom texture folder you made in along with the pk3 otherwise the game cant find them

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Actully it is possible to have a door toggle open and close with a switch with out that wait time. This guy wicked_69 i think was his forum name was in my clan and i he figured out away to toggle a button because we wanted to be able to have closed meatings. It was his first map ever, so i cant belive one of you guys havent figured it out.:D Ill try and get in touch with him to see if he remmebers. ill be back

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Im just making a simple button: I just add a little brush with a texture from JK2, i think i tried several textures from both Kejim and Cairn. When the physical button was ready, i just added a Trigger_multiple in front of it so i could open the door with the 'Use' button and it worked fine, it just looked butt-ugly with the net-like texture it put there in-game. I dont think it is a void leak 'cos it is just a plain brush, nothing fancy.

I also tried doing it on a func_button, same problem, the textures just won't show up!

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