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BehavEd Scripting Help needed muchly


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Hi all,

still can't get it to work.

please help??

download my test2.pk3 here.


if it doesn't work try right click save target as.

it has the map file included.

Simply, i want to get two custom npc's to fight eachother as in jedi training.

I've tried several scripting combinations but they either stand their or follow me, then don't fight eachother. Man i could really use the help to get this to work. The custom npc's are just copies for now, until the models are finished. but that is a whole other story.

thanks peeps

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Still not working properly, eh? I haven't studied the issue further since the last time I posted in your previous thread, but perhaps I could see, if there's anything I could do. I take the problem is getting two jedis (or jedi class) to fight? Still, it does not look promising that after all this time the problem is still present. It may be far more complicated than I ever thought.

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hi there bud:)

ya i should have mentioned i got them to fight only if the commands are in their spawn script.

what i want is to get them to stand there and stare at eachother for 5 seconds, then fight, then go sit down. The affect commands don't seem to be working.

I also went through the yavin_temple scripts sifting for clues and copying stuff verbatum. I sure would like to get a hold of that map i tell ya hehe.

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I sure would like to get a hold of that map i tell ya hehe


Me too... So, did the jedis fight with no... let's say encouragement from the player's side? I never reached that point, because in my experiments the two jedis would only fight if the player hits either of them. After that they would fight even with each other.


However, I didn't experiment with spawnscripts so much, because I had some initial problems with them. And on the other hand, it is as you said, how to control temporarily when the fighting begins, if you can't use affects?


Still, it seems you are already close to the solution. I doubt there's anything anyone else can do before you find the key to the problem yourself. It's hard to be a pioneer, but it's that much sweeter. Cheers!

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Maybe in order to make them "stare" at eachother before fighting, is there a way to set one of them to zero visibility? (like how reborns won't attack you if your "notarget" is set to "on")?


May be a silly idea as I've never done anything like this before. Anyway I'm curious to see the result. Best of luck.



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awesome thanks all for the replies!!

thats khewl


yes i looked at those scripts but took another look - good call. I think next i will try the remove script command.


You see, so far it seems an all or nothing deal. Whatever I put in their spawn scripts is it. If i put bs_cinematic, wait 5, then bs_default and chase enemys yada yada, they just stay stuck in cinematic. If i put all that chase enemy stuff, they fight right away - so lasev yes I got them to fight. But when i try to put them back in cinematic, they don't stop; affect or no affect. I tried affecting them within their spawnscripts and from other scripts, but no change.


I'll set their spawn script to cinematic, then try the remove script commnad for that spawn script and try affecting them and see if i can get them to change.


What i'm aiming for is the cin starts with them in the lotus position with their eyes closed meditating then out of the blue fight, then stop and say well done young padawan and all that crap.


if anyone has any ideas please chime in. Also, is there a difference between this


set ( /*!*/ "SET_BEHAVIOR_STATE", /*!*/ "BS_DEFAULT" );


and this





thanks all

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I downloaded quark and used that since you can open bsp files in it. Though I wasn't able to see brushes, I was able to see all the entities in the yavin_temple.bsp. It's a khewl program I'm gonna fiddle with it and see if its all its cracked up to be.


Anyways I went entity by entity and script by sript connnecting the dots to see what did what where and how and this is what I discovered, which you may have as well . . .


- they use target_scriptrunners to run the scripts. I was trying to call them with a run command, but it only worked on one occasion. But calling scripts with a use command on a scriptrunner works great. This was teh break through. Also, I noticed they used the "remove" command to remove scripts. So target_scriptrunners appearantly allow you to remove that scriptrunner hence stopping the script from running. It may come in handy I guess.


-they nest their affect commands, which gives better control to running behaviors.


-they also split up their scripts. Their were several target_scriptrunners in the map that were used to run the scripts.


-they used many smaller scripts rather than one long one. This goes a long long way towards easier debugging. I found it easy to see which script was causing the problem, and since the scripts were short, they were easy to diagnose. It also reduces the chances of syntactical errors as well. In fact, one script just had four or five use commands in it, a master script for running other scripts.


-spawn scripts for entities were scarce. Most of the interaction on npc's was done with affect commands from other scripts. The npc spawn scripts that were there had very few commands in them.


-when cinematics included dialogue, the affect commands were nested with the camera commands, otherwise, camera commands and tracking were in separate scripts from the npc or entity commands. This was the trend but there were exceptions. For example, if a camera tracked an entity, the entity had its own script of movement commands and the camera tracking was in a separate script. But if there was dialogue all the entity movements, dialogue commands and camera commands were in one script, and nested in the affect commands.


So, I kept my scripts short, used target _scriptrunners with a "use" command to run them, and separated cinematic camera movement in separate scripts from the entity movement if at all possible. Boy did it make things easy.


You will end up with a lot of scripts though, so be very weary of naming conventions whenever you name anything.


If you want my test map let me know


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