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Can anyone help me with the dynamic lights tutorial?


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I tried it but couldnt get it to work :(


Anything important I might have been missing ?

How can you tell what the size of your brush is?


And one more thing.... in the entity window for the light, you have to type style in the key menu and 1 in the value window? or do you have to type the whole 1 FLICKER (first variety) to get it to work? Cuz I tried by typing 1 in the value but nothing happened

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Size of the brush does not matter. In his example he only uses the size of the brush to determine what an appropriate radius would be for the light entity.


Important that the texture you use is not light emiting. The tutorial explains how to find out...


Set style this way


Key: style

Value: 1


Did you rig your light with a trigger? If so, does it have FACING and USE_BUTTON flags? If so, make sure you have the correct angle value.


If you are using a trigger, did you give the trigger a wait value? Without one the light will switch on and off uncontrollably. And may not seem to turn on. Also check to make sure it is targetted correctly.


OK...there are other possiblities I'm sure, but this should get you started.

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Thanks for replying...



to test I used the same texture as he did so that shouldnt be the problem.


I didnt use any trigger to facing or use button..cuz I didnt want a switch to it. Do I have to do it in order to get it to work?


I didnt give it any wait trigger either, I'll explain what I just did


created the brush witht he same texture he used, then inserted the light entity. Inserted an infoo_null and linked it (with ctrl + k) to the light entity. Now I set the vale for the light as Key:style Value:1


heres my entity info


target t2

classname light

origin -296-160-176

light 300

radius 85

style 1




Besies that, do you have to link the light with the info nul and the texture? Or can you just give these values to a simple light entity?


Please helP :(

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Id there any other way I can compile it without using q3map2 so it wil work?


Is that command the same which you use to debug? Or can I just unable to debug from prefences and it would work?


Im a lil confused cuz it says SOFMAP 2 when I cpmile it bu q3map something at times during the process.


Is there any way at all i can get the lights to work?

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