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Sith and Jedi

Guest Lord Tirion

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Guest Lord Tirion

Is each Sith and Jedi going to look exactly alike except different colors during a game? (Not including scenarios because I know we will have some of the characters from the movies).

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No, but all the sith will look basically the same, and all the jedi will look basically the same. That meaning that they all will be human, but doning different clothes and saber types. there will be no wookie species jedi, they will all be human. But, Sith will have a two-sided blade, and jedi will have a one-sided blade.

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Guest dr_death

the wookies can have jedi if you use the senario editor, for example darth maul and quigon, and i suppose they can have the millenium volcon too

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Guest Admiral Odin
Originally posted by dr_death

the wookies can have jedi if you use the senario editor, for example darth maul and quigon, and i suppose they can have the millenium volcon too


I take it that you don't think Wookies have Jedi as a regular unit in the game....


They do, but their Jedi are also humans like every other civ. Same goes with the Gunguns.

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So will the wookies, naboo, rebels, and gungan get the jedi temples, and the Tf, and Imp get the sith temples, or will each civ get both, and choose which jedi they wish to use, or just whether to be good or evil?

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