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About force powers (game and coding)


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Game stuff


When i host a game i can disable all force powers and i can

use forcetoggle to enable some and disable others...


But can i somehow set Max Levels (0-3) for all or individual

powers ??




And coding stuff...


Currently in my mod there are four player classes which are:


1. Jedi/Sith Master (Have saber and force powers but can't

have/pickup any other weapons or equipments or...)


2. Apprentice (Have saber, Blaster pistol,some force powers

and can pickup E11 Blaster rifle and some equipments...)


3. Bounty Hunter (No force powers and saber but spawns

with Blaster pistol, Distruptor, Repeater and can pickup also

Bowcaster and some equipments and have Jetpack...)


4. Trooper (Have no force powers and saber but spawns

with blaster pistol, E11 Blaster Rifle and DC15 Clonetrooper

cannon and can pickup all guns and equipments and have

personal shield generator...)



Anyway... the difference between Jedi/Sith master and

apprentice force capabilties is that apprentice just have

less force points he can use... but thats not exactly

what i want...


I would also like to know how to limit some powers max

levels to some lower level than max...


Soo... Could someone tell me what exactly should i look

for and from where... ???

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I added this to UI forceupdate:



int y = 0;

while ( y < NUM_FORCE_POWERS )




if ( uiForcePowersRank[y] > 2 )


uiForcePowersRank[y] = 2;



if ( y == FP_ABSORB || y == FP_PROTECT || y == FP_LIGHTNING || y == FP_DRAIN )


if ( uiForcePowersRank[y] > 0 )


uiForcePowersRank[y] = 0;







And i didn't succeed to get more powers than i should but...


Is that enough ?? (or is it still possible to somehow get

higher powers than you should...)

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Originally posted by razorace

There's a big ass complicated forcepower checker function that handles the max force power control. It's in there somewhere. :)


I have checked those files couple times but didn't see anything...

(there are some force checks but they are all about checking if

player have used more force points than he have...)


Anyway that what i wrote above seems to work like i want...

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