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If you want a SP map idea...

Mero Vilul

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... I can give you one :)


Probably alot of you guys mapping are Star Wars geeks (like me), and some like me has developed a more or less unique character.


So, to the point. What I'm currently making is a SP shortstory about how my character (Mero Vilul) decided to turn to the dark side.


So, all mappers out there! Make THE IMPORTANT AND INTERESTING part of your "Star Wars character" come alive with a SP story of your own.


It would be really interesting if everyone would be able to do that, but I feel very limited in cutscenes and stuff right now so I'm just mostly doing the layout now... hopefully I will be able to do all the scriptings later...


Well, just my ideas... make yourself come alive!

(I know you can't wait to play "The Saga Of Mero Vilul") ;)

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Thanks, that will surely help.

I'm searching these boards whenever I run into problems (that is a lot), and I must say almost every answer can be found here.


You guys are great here, lots of skills and experience exists here...


So, a official "Thank you all, you are doing a great job for mapping people who are in need of help" from me...


time to take a break, live long and prosper! (oh wait, wrong movie)

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I've been writing my SP story for teh past two months...:)

I came home the other nighht and my dog had gotten ahold of my spiral I had been using to write the story in, and managed to magle about half the damned thing.. Needless to say I was a bit upset with him...

Luckly I had been in the process of putting the story to file, so I managed to save the stuff I haven't, as of yet, been able to transpose.

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