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ok, i know ive seen this somplace before but here goes,


---- BSP ----

entering c:/progra~1/lucasa~1/starwa~1/gamedata/base/shaders/zoom.shader

entering c:/progra~1/lucasa~1/starwa~1/gamedata/base/shaders/cinematics.shader

entering c:/progra~1/lucasa~1/starwa~1/gamedata/base/shaders/common.shader

entering c:/progra~1/lucasa~1/starwa~1/gamedata/base/shaders/decals.shader

entering c:/progra~1/lucasa~1/starwa~1/gamedata/base/shaders/doomgiver.shader

entering c:/progra~1/lucasa~1/starwa~1/gamedata/base/shaders/effects.shader

entering c:/progra~1/lucasa~1/starwa~1/gamedata/base/shaders/explosions.shader

entering c:/progra~1/lucasa~1/starwa~1/gamedata/base/shaders/flares.shader

entering c:/progra~1/lucasa~1/starwa~1/gamedata/base/shaders/fogs.shader

entering c:/progra~1/lucasa~1/starwa~1/gamedata/base/shaders/gfx.shader

entering c:/progra~1/lucasa~1/starwa~1/gamedata/base/shaders/gfx2.shader

entering c:/progra~1/lucasa~1/starwa~1/gamedata/base/shaders/imperial.shader

entering c:/progra~1/lucasa~1/starwa~1/gamedata/base/shaders/items.shader

entering c:/progra~1/lucasa~1/starwa~1/gamedata/base/shaders/marks.shader

entering c:/progra~1/lucasa~1/starwa~1/gamedata/base/shaders/metashader.shader

entering c:/progra~1/lucasa~1/starwa~1/gamedata/base/shaders/models.shader

entering c:/progra~1/lucasa~1/starwa~1/gamedata/base/shaders/mp.shader

entering c:/progra~1/lucasa~1/starwa~1/gamedata/base/shaders/nar_shaddaa.shader

entering c:/progra~1/lucasa~1/starwa~1/gamedata/base/shaders/players.shader

entering c:/progra~1/lucasa~1/starwa~1/gamedata/base/shaders/sabers.shader

entering c:/progra~1/lucasa~1/starwa~1/gamedata/base/shaders/scavenger.shader

entering c:/progra~1/lucasa~1/starwa~1/gamedata/base/shaders/skies.shader

entering c:/progra~1/lucasa~1/starwa~1/gamedata/base/shaders/sprites.shader

entering c:/progra~1/lucasa~1/starwa~1/gamedata/base/shaders/system.shader

entering c:/progra~1/lucasa~1/starwa~1/gamedata/base/shaders/test.shader

entering c:/progra~1/lucasa~1/starwa~1/gamedata/base/shaders/text_crawl.shader

entering c:/progra~1/lucasa~1/starwa~1/gamedata/base/shaders/ui.shader

entering c:/progra~1/lucasa~1/starwa~1/gamedata/base/shaders/yavin.shader

entering c:/progra~1/lucasa~1/starwa~1/gamedata/base/shaders/hoth.shader

Unknown surfaceparm: "nolightmap" processing textures/skies/hoth_skybox

entering c:/progra~1/lucasa~1/starwa~1/gamedata/base/shaders/snow.shader

Unknown surfaceparm: "lightfilter" processing textures/bunker/proto_fence

entering c:/progra~1/lucasa~1/starwa~1/gamedata/base/shaders/bespin.shader

Loading map file c:/program files/lucasarts/star wars jk ii jedi outcast/gamedata/base/maps/dxjedicouncil.map

entering c:/program files/lucasarts/star wars jk ii jedi outcast/gamedata/base/maps/dxjedicouncil.map

WARNING: Couldn't find image for shader noshader

writing c:/program files/lucasarts/star wars jk ii jedi outcast/gamedata/base/maps/dxjedicouncil.prt

NumPoints (76) exceed MAX_POINTS_ON_WINDING (64). Sample points: (-830.88 -1792.00 1292.00) (370.88 -1856.00 1292.00) (2064.00 -1856.00 1292.00)


I know i has somthing to do with to many vertices or somthing like that. But how do i fix? how can i fin theses points it says? Also isnt there a way to do it with out having to find these brushes cant i just erase some lines in some text? ahhh the n00b side of me comes out


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ok, i used the example (2064, -1856,1292) so i found those points on the map, It is the x,y,z that appers in the bottom right hand corner right? so this pic is of that point. The selected brush is placed on those points. It seems to be touching the back of the glass that is in that window well. But cliped it in half and i still get the same error. Or maybe im doing it all worng.:confused:




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As I can see, there is a straight line just above 1280. I think that is the upper part of the wall. Is that a one, big brush? If it is, then probably that's the problem. It is touched by the windows and maybe window frames.


Every brush that touches the side of an other creates new vertices on that face where itself has. The maximum number of these new vertices is 64. So if you have a big big brush as your upper wall can be, and there are too many touching brushes wich create the new vertices, this error can easily occur.


I hope I was clear. :)

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