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Should Black Sun be in GB?

Link Antilles

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YES! Don't come here and tell me that they can't because they only have the palace troopers and the Starviper fighters and supa strike fighters. "Three units.. no, we're not gonna add'em". :p Look at the Wookies. We know one wookie unit, the Wookie Gung-Ho which is Chewbacca. And they come rolling in with a whole civilisation :D!




-Security unit

-Heavy/Elite security unit

-Scout unit

-Supa long range attack fighter (from X-Wing Alliance. Pic here: http://www.xwaupgrade.com)

-Starviper space superiority fighter

-A bunch of other fighters (I'd really like XTZ to be a fighter civ :)).




-Xizor's fighter

-That droid woman that accompanies Xizor in Shadows of the Empire.

-The space freighter Suprosa, from Shadows of the Empire.



-The Skyhook

-Xizor's palace as the Command Center(?)

-Troop transports (duh)

-Freighters. Also a lot of missions where you are to take the freighter convoys safely trough enemy space to their destination (XTZ is a freight company, you know ;))


Dagobahn Eagle

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