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FPS help.......please


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I made a few maps, but i am having low FPS prob.

I have tryed all i know to fix the problem but i am still am having low fps in the 20 and 15. What is doing this?


The maps are not big maps and not alot in the maps. One map is a skybox that looks like you'r in space with a few dueling pads.

With the FPS low it feels like the air you are fighting in, is soup.

Any help to fix this ?






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Definitely all of the above, and also try to use curves/patch meshes sparingly. I put in just a few vaulted ceilings and it killed my map.


I'm going to try to use portals to shore things up (see Code's link above...they keep the engine from unneccisarily drawing parts of your map that are hidden by doors).



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