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Blue Sparks (or Lines) from Blaster fire

Qui Gon Jim

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I am running JKII on two PCs right now and both have video cards with Nvidia chipsets (32MB on Board RAM) with no problems. I recently obtained a third system that has a Jaton video card with Trident video chip on it and it also has 32MB RAM on board. The game seems to play fine and even looks pretty good at 600 x 800 res, but when I fire a laser pistol into an object, I get small blue lines or sparks that fall to the ground instead of the intended graphics. It looks like these sparks are unresolved video images that should be represented as another image. The system is a P4, win98se, 128MB RAM with ECS motherboard. Any suggestions? I've tried lowering the game video settings and the same thing happens.

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Nevermind, I found some answers on my own, but wanted to post this info in case someone else had the same problem. Turns out that Lucasarts.com has some information on this problem in their support section for JKII. Apparently, the Jaton card (Trident T64 Blade chipset) has these issues with the game. They suggested updating the drivers from Trident to correct it, but I haven't seen any improvement. Possibly, Trient or Jaton will come out with new and improved drivers soon.:deathii:

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