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LOTR Sword troubles


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I downloaded the LOTR Pack of 6, with the 11 skins and some cool swords. Now then, in SINGLE PLAYER, when I put the 'blade' away, it looks like a sword, it keeps the blade as though it's part of the hilt. Good. But when I draw the 'blade' I get the usual lightsaber blade with the sword inside it lol. It looks really weird, like some powered up sword lol.


Can anybody help me fix this? I turned off Dynamic Lightning and that didn't seem to do anything... What file do I put where?


Right now I put the JedimodSwords (not blade and hilt pk3) into base, whenever I do Jedimod. When I'm doing normal games, I take that out, and put in the NOPATCH Sword of my choice.

When I played JediMod, I had the usual saber, not even with the sword inside it like SINGLE PLAYER... HOWEVER on the MP Start screen, the cursor was a sword...


Any help? The readme isn't very clear...


I need to know exactly which files go where, how to get rid of lightsaber blade in SP (probably related to which files go where...), and how to choose my sword in MP.


Thanks in advance.

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Ok, if you use omni mod in multiplayer, then i can help. This will let you choose a sword out of he list. I've done a small edit to it to change the purple saber so that the blade doesnt show at all, so it wont stick through your sword. Its as buggy as hell, but it does me ok. You need omni mod 2 to use this, and remember to back up first.




This probably wont be to your liking, so dont flame me plz... i did this just for myself.

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:cool: The Blade colors need to be blacked out. If you don't want to do that yourself donwload one of my Dragon Remix mods (any one, even the demos) or the Ninja mod. There's also Lagihma's sword pack.. I THINK that came out with blacked-out sabers..
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