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Want help? you can ask me. (also I need help with the Small Bespin Lights)


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I have two questions...



First of all I'd just like to say that Im quite an experienced mapper and I will be bringing out quite famous hit (so far according to BETA Testers). I am keeping all details of my map secure and quiet until I release it so everyone can experience the storyline for themselves. Also leave all your questions about your JK2Radiant on this thread and I'll try to answer them A.S.A.P. either in step-by-step guide or in a full written tutorial :D ). However to start off with I have two questions of my own (their prob easy and stupid questions but hey what the hell). Here goes...


In multiplayer (ffa_bespin) there are very small dot like lights down the ridges of some of the tall buildings and the massive pillar that holds the landing platform up, how can I get these (are they shaders) if not can someone help me create them. (I know how to get the colour and flashing light but how do you get them to appear so small and so bright I've tried targeting lights at info nulls that are on the sides of the buildings setting the key light to 5 and style to 1. It was very faded though and wasnt noticeable. HELP!!




Can anyone give a clear description of waypoints (not navgoals just the single waypoint option), to make an NPC move just add point_combats? why bother with waypoints, is there something they do? I added a network of waypoints and binded them together and tried them out, the NPC never budged, I also tried to bind the actual NPC to the network of them but again nothing happened. Whats goin on? Someone? Anyone?...

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Those little lights are made with shaders. Like the others, where you have a basic texture with little light sources, and a glow texture with ony the lights blended together. You can make pulsing like glows if you play with the "alphaMod" shader command. You can find many examples among the original shaders.

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Thanks Leslie, what are these shaders called tho?


:confused: (If you look at these lights closely you can see through them, they are translucent. Thats why I got the impression that they were light entities because it looks like they where shining on a surface but you could still see the surface through the light. Is this definately a shader?)

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Yes, it is definetely a shader. :)


I took a closer look. They are not part of the texture behind, but placed on either a one unit thick square brush, or (more likely) on a square patch mesh.


The shader is this one from the flares.shader (by eye)

surfaceparm	nonsolid
surfaceparm	trans
cull	disable
map textures/flares/blueflare
blendFunc GL_ONE GL_ONE
rgbGen wave noise 0.5 0.2 0 31

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