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are there any REAL mods for jk2?


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It's not so much the banning/kicking as it is the mod itself.


If it were just a matter of beating some noob admin and being kicked it would be annoying but no different than any other game.


In JK2 they really do get off on this power trip with the Admin mod punishment commands.


Take these guys:

*BS* We Own You #2



Go there and when you see people playing FFA jump in.

If you start to rack up a solid score or manage to kill one of their members more than once you are going to find yourself doing a "suicide/kill" over and over.


The Jedi Academy mod lets admins have the ability to suicide other players.


Now if this was not bad enough, these mods also give them the ability to "empower" themselves.


Basically when "empowered" they have a saber around 100X more powerful than mine, unlimited Force and they get to use all of the Force powers and are immune to pull/push.


The funny thing is last night even fighting empowered admins and being forced to suicide over and over I was still able to take them out.


Then comes the new admin punishment emote.


You get suspended up in mid air in an invisible/unbreakable grip the second you spawn...


If someone breaks a servers rules fine, kick them, ip ban them.


But what is the purpose of "putting players to sleep" and standing over them insulting them simply because they are better than you?


The problem I have with these garbage mods is their sole purpose is to give noob admins ways to annoy and humiliate players.


Now you're saying this server is just one bad apple right?

Nope, this is common on any Jedi Academy/Vulcan server.

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