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Invitation to the Shockwave

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Hi Everyone,


I am DJSolaris, inviting you to join me tonight 7pm pacific, 10pm est to listen to Star Wars Galaxies Radio, on CPLive. I play a variety of music requests, and entertain a wide rang of Star Wars Galaxies related topics. If you would liek to listen in, please go to http://www.cplive.com, and click the "Listen in" icon to open your winamp program and get directly hooked up to the show. Or if you prefer you can just open winamp, and open from location: http://cplive.truefear.net:7112/listen.pls


Also if you would like to join us in our IRC chat, please enter #cplive, or #galaxies in your channel selector, and login through irc.zirc.org. You can also get the link from the http://www.cplive website if you prefer to go that route, I look forward to seeing you there tonight, and hope you enjoy the show.






Solaris Darkwind

DJ on CPLive

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