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Various Server Questions


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Hello All. I plan upon running a Dedicated Private Server for a couple of friends and need some help setting it up. First of all, I've downloaded Jedi Runner and the Win32 Dedicated Server from RavenSoft. I'm not sure which I'm going to use, but I prefer Jedi Runner due to its simplicity over the command lines/settings associated with the Dedicated Server progs cfg file.


So far I've had no problem setting up a game, but I've come across a few problems.


When using the built in Server creator, is it possible to pick and choose the list of active maps? or am I forced to use all the maps available? My friends and I only wish to use certain custom maps, and also want them to cycle. What am I missing?


When using the Jedi Runner app, it tells me I am unable to Enable bots to a Password Protected Server. Since the server is Private, I wish to use a password to keep unwelcome clients out, and I also want to use bots (minimum player numbers) so that lone clients won't get bored running around an empty map. What do I do?


Also, what is the console command to take control of the server? Since I run a Dedicated server, I want to be able to access the settings In-Game, and not have to exit or use the JK Minimizer to access the Console back on my desktop.


Thanks for reading. Any help is appreciated

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