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Smart or not so Smart?


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this is kinda what Naphtali topic was saying.

when and If you ever make it to Jedi will you keep your pwers a secret and only use them in dire dire situations. or wil lyou go around and gloat about them. i for one would not gloat keep in mid this is the hight of the empire. and jedi would be hunted and killed.


What would you do?

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Ok if I ever get a trained jedi I will use him. Not just run around with drawn saber...I mean using the skills and trying to learn the full potential of the force abilities.


I assume I will have a well played main character prior to earning a FS slot. So I guess I will know my relative power compared to NPC wildlife over a number of planets. Since the random spawn generator would see my jedi and spawn pretty tough NPC's around him I would see my abilities to move around and through those NPC's as vital to living. They will also be my buffer zone from players seeking to kill me and a warning sign against attack.


Besides I couldnt create a jedi without using him. My plan would be to test my skills while continously moving to avoid Mara Jade, Darth or others. I assume that staying in the wilds would be safer but I dont really know the skill tree of available force powers. But seeing as how I would want to know the potential of my character I would likely see less trouble away from towns and not staying anywhere very long. Well maybe way out on Dathomir with some mind control over those force witches. I would imagine that location would give the BH's fits. Good Luck.

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