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I killed a monkey

Guest Jamison

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Guest Jamison

*****Possible Spoiler**********


On the temple level where you have to chop the bridge with the machete, I patiently waited for the monkey to climb onto the bridge. Then I cut the rope and the monkey fell to the water below. There he rested in his watery grave.





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I couldn't believe it. I didn't mean to. The little creature got stuck between me and a cliff as I was making my way to the edge. So he either jumped or was pushed off the cliff. My wife and I just staired at the screen in total amazement. It was the most hilarious thing in this game.

But at least he led me to the medicinal herbs before he lept to his death. See...DRUGS ARE BAD! (haahaa)



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I had to try it. I hacked a monkey with my machete. DAMN that felt good. But I still say the other two JUMPED to their death! (heehee)



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Its also a lot of fun hitting the hihenas in the desert level! Its is so much fun watching their bodies fly over your jeep! smile.gif




Slicing monkeys are fun!


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I will say it's great when you catch two or three commies standing together so you can run them all over in one shot, as oppose to turning around and around trying to line up your shots.





Fear is the path to the darkside.

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