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Help! My surfaces are freaking out!


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Hey, I'm working on a remodel of the Jan skin in my spare time, but i'm having a problem with it. I've turned off all of the extraneous surfaces i.e. goggles, watch, stuff like that, and the only one I currently have on (other than the barebones so she's not full of holes) is the vest. Anyway, the problem I'm having is it start out fine enough, but when you start using weapons, especially the sabre, the back of the vest gives out and holes appear, showing the surface underneath. I'm very much a n00b when it comes to skins, so any help would be greatly appreciatted!! :D

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to make jan vestless copy this




fullName "Ors, Jan"

playerModel jan

surfOff "torso_vest hips_chaps torso_computer head_goggles torso_comp hips_belt"

surfOn "torso_augment_off hips_augment_off hips_torso_off"

rank lt

reactions 3

aim 5

move 3

aggression 3

evasion 3

intelligence 3

playerTeam player

enemyTeam enemy

class jan

snd jan

sndcombat jan

sndextra jan

yawSpeed 140

walkSpeed 55

runSpeed 200

// race human

snd jan

dismemberProbHead 0

dismemberProbArms 0

dismemberProbHands 1

dismemberProbLegs 0

dismemberProbWaist 0



to note pad save as jan.npc make a new folder call it ext_data put the jan.npc file in it and stick it in the jan pk3 file so you should see two folders in the .pk3, one is players, and the other is ext_data and now my friend Jan has no vest, goggles, or chaps

so she looks like the jedif only thing i could not get down is her saber but i'm working on that. Maybe copy the npc info from jedi 1 or 2 when i tryed copying jedi f i got jan with a saber hilt and her blaster sticking out of the bottom of it. I changed her class to jedi but she still attacked as normal just she had her saber hilt stickout of the top of her blaster it looks funny. So i can't help you on that but i hope this helped a bit



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