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disappearing clip brush


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I'm not sure if this is supposed to happen or not, but I don't like it either way.


I have the latest stable version of GTKRadiant, and I just recently have tried to texture a brush completely with the "clip" texture located in the "system" folder. Once I do this, the brush completely disappears from view in the 2D and 3D views. It's still there, but you can't select it at all, in either view.


The only way i've been able to select it again, is go to the "misc" menu and go to the "find brush" and type in the brush number. Otherwise there's no way of selecting the brush.


But when I open my map in JK2Radiant, I can see the brush just fine.


Is there anyway to fix this?

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Hmm, thats wierd, cause I tried turning that off last night, and it still didn't work.


But I just tried that now, and it works.


I've kinda been having trouble with all those textures that show up half way transparent.


Anyways, its good now


thanks :)

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