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Stuck in Kejim


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I've got a problem with the radiation room. The mouse droid will not open the little door to the rad room. The little dataport at foot level doesn't seem to do anything either. Is this level bugged? Have I missed something? I gave up and looked at all the walkthroughs, but none of them mentioned anything about not being able to get through this little door.


Please tell me I missed something... (and what that might be.)


Thanks in advance

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Not to be a smart-aleck, but did you try pressing the "use" key at the door opener thingy (both as the droid and as yourself)?


I think you can "Start over" with a new mouse droid if for some reason the first one isn't working. Let me know if it works...


I'd have to warp to that part and replay it, since it's been awhile and I'm a little fuzzy on the scenario.

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Yeah. I've tried the use key repeatedly as both myself and the mouse droid. Believe me... the poor use key is just about worn out.


I did solve the problem after many *many* frustrating reloads/replays last night.


I rolled the mouse up to the big door.


Opened the door.


Shoved/kicked the mouse inside. (The mouse didn't enjoy this treatment, and I took a little damage from the radiation to boot!)


Went back to the control room.


Finished the level.


Strangely, once it was inside that room, I had no problems with the other droid ports. After flipping all of them, I went back to that door from the other side, and it opened no problem. So I thought I would try to open it again from the side I was having problems with. I discovered after still more persistence that it *will* work, but I have to be at less than a 45 degree angle to the left corner for it to work. Going at it straight on or to the left or right a bit will *not* work. And it still wouldn't work being at an angle on my previous saves. So my install is bad. I can hardly wait to see what fun comes next.


Oh, and in the briefing with Mon Mothma for the second mission, Kyles face is on the inside-back of his skull, and the front of his face is transparent, except for his moustache and two black eye holes that blink. Funky!



ps: Netrunner, the droid you're thinking of is a Power Droid, and that's the mining level right after this part. I couldn't get him in there either, so I gave up. After the problems I had with the stupid mouse... I was ready to find another alternative. Since I finished the level without figuring it out, I didn't bother going back to unlock the mystery.

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