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How to check for player turns?


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Being a complete amature at programming, i need some help with something. I need to make a statement that'll check to see if the player is turning, and if so do a function in bg_pmove.c...


I've studied the code for hours trying to figure out how to do this. In bg_pmove.c i thought maybe i could check it in, i think it's called, PM_ViewAngleUpdate or something.. but i don't understand the code that's in there at all, there's a line like:


for (i=0 ; i<3 ; <something>)


then it does a check for "i":


if (i == PITCH)


So then i thought maybe if i did a check for "i == YAW" under there... i don't know. So lost, so confused...


If anyone could help, i'd be most greatful.

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Trying to do animations when we turn... the footstep anims. So we move our feet when we're turning and have no velocity.


Here's the code i wrote for that, but as i said i just don't know where to put it, or to call upon it the way i need to:

	//If we're grounded, and not moving
	if (!pm->ps->groundEntityNum == ENTITYNUM_NONE &&
		 pm->ps->velocity[0] == 0 && pm->ps->velocity[1] == 0 && pm->ps->velocity[2] == 0)
		//If we're crouched
		if ( (pm->ps->legsAnim&~ANIM_TOGGLEBIT) == BOTH_CROUCH1 ||
			 (pm->ps->legsAnim&~ANIM_TOGGLEBIT) == BOTH_CROUCH1IDLE)
		//Otherwise we must be standing
			//If we're in the lightsaber stance
			if ( (pm->ps->legsAnim&~ANIM_TOGGLEBIT) == BOTH_STAND2)
				anim = BOTH_TURNSTAND2;
			//If we're in a double-handed weapon stance
			else if ( (pm->ps->legsAnim&~ANIM_TOGGLEBIT) == BOTH_STAND3)
				anim = BOTH_TURNSTAND3;
			//Otherwise, do the default
				anim = BOTH_TURNSTAND1;

		//If we're not in footstep animation, set us to it
		if ( (pm->ps->legsAnim&~ANIM_TOGGLEBIT) != anim)
		//Otherwise, continue doing animation
			PM_ContinueLegsAnim( anim );

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Good Idea. :) I'm not sure how off the out of my head. Try file searching for the ViewAngle varible and figure out how it's created.


Technically you don't really need to do the PM_ContinueLegsAnim( anim ) (it's redudent in this case). PM_SetAnim is powerful enough by itself to do all the stuff you want. I think Raven made the PM_Continue____Anim functions to be lazy about setting the right flags for PM_SetAnim. Unfortunately, those code shortcuts make it much harder to change animations cause you can't just use PM_SetAnim and automatically assume it'll work right (since the PM_Continue____Anim and PM_Set___Anim ignore all the important ___Timer stuff.)

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