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Ok from the sound of it as you learn how to build new items you lose the ablity to make lower lvl stuff so.....


this would mean you have to buy or trade with other players for get the lower stuff make better stuff


this i think either make merchants very powerful or very weak depending on how you work you merchant


but couldn't you just have another char make items sell them too the shop you own swith to the char the owns it pick up the stuff upgrade it and then put it up for sale and make alot of money...


the only really problem i see is the factory owns mass producing stuff and more so if its a guilds factory

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You can't "switch" to another character because you can only have one character per server. ;)


Unless, of, course you're rich and buy two copies of the game and pay twice as much, then I suppose you COULD switch and have a specialized basic designer selling to your better skilled crafter. ;)


But who would want to do that? ;)


I trust the devs in their judgement and implementation of the system, so I am not worried.


Look at it this way: The inventor the bouncy ball makes bouncy balls, a low tech (basic equipment) product. He then builds skill and upgrades to Super Bouncy Balls, a high tech (advanced equipment) product. Why does he need to make the stupid bouncy balls anymore? They're inferior now. :D;)


You get me?


There's no reason an advanced craftsman needs to keep on making the basics to manufacture their products because they can spend more time making the better thing.


There're examples of this in real life. I am pretty sure, taking Sony for example, that Sony doesn't manufacture their own "basic" ingredients for TV's and such. (If a TV has an on switch:p ) Sony pays someone else to make the on switches and buys from the "on switch manufacturing company #243" so they can spend more time making TV's... and NOT on switches.


Please notice: Sunshine is in no way a successful industrialist, and his views may not be correct. "Facts" used in this (and all other articles) may not be ACTUAL facts. "References are synthetic and man made; please disregard any of this if it is untrue... If disclaimer proves to be void and incorrect, please ignore disclaimer." Sunshine and Badass Inc. and all subsidiaries of Badass Inc. are NOT registered trademarks of ANYTHING. All posts by the sole member of Badass Inc. are taken with responsibility. Please punish accordingly.


But not too harshly.;):rolleyes:

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Craftsmen will still need said inferior product cos they may need it to make the superior product. Inferior product is used in making, or is a part of superior product. It could be an idea to stay as a low-skill craftsman, and always make the smaller parts of things that higher skill craftsmen need to make their product.

This is how the player run economy works, with lower-skill craftsmen selling components to higher-skill craftsmen.


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What I was saying is: Better skilled people spend more time making better equipment, so they do not make the lower end equipment themselves, and, as Rocket said: "...lower-skill craftsmen selling components to higher-skill craftsmen." will give the better equipment crafter more time to spend crafting better equipment.


As per the Sony model. They do not spend the time making their own on-switches so they can focus on the better equipment, i.e. the TVs. You get me? :D

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