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Problems with custom textures


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Ok so I made a new folder in the /base/textures directory, and made some custom textures and made the image size 512x512 pixels and then saved them as a new name.jpg then I go into radiant and there they are! But then I texture the walls/floor/etc...

and then I compile the map and go check them out, I go into my game type in the devmap thingy and I go into my map, and my textures arn't there! They are just Grey Squares and White lines! What did I do wrong?

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Ok, that sv_pure 0 worked, I packed my textures up into a .pk3 files, and it works still, then I released a beta of my map to a freind (BTW when i packed the map up into the pk3 file I made sure I added the textures i used) and joined his server and then my textures didn't show up! Now what is the problem? Do I have to add all the textures from my texture folder or just the ones I used in the map?

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You have to pack up only the custom textures you used in the map. Sometimes this happened to me and Evader when we were testing his map. I had to start an unpure server. But theoretically if you pack up every custom texture / sound / etc. and your bsp file into a pk3 when trying it out online then it has to work.

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