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Guest beefheart

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Guest beefheart

I have a P2 450, 128 ram, TNT 16mb AGP with latest Detonator drivers and DirectX 7.

In the second chapter, on the commies HQ the frame rate drops a lot, I think 8 or 6.

The same thing happens on the third level, on the border, but this time is very severe, totally unplayable. Please help me. I tried everything (quiting running programs on startup, defragmenting the HD, etc.)

Is this supposed to be normal? Is my machine too small for this game? Actually can play Quake 3 very good with max details on 800 x 600.

Please help me...

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Guest Dark_Indy

Well, I have a 300mhz, 64mb ram, and a 4mb Viper V330, and it runs good throught the whole game....except for a few graphic glitches, not too bad though, I cant think of antyhting else you could do....have you tried the full install?


-Dark Indy

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