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Starting Server... Everyone read!!


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As I bring others into the SWG universe and get then interested in the game I hear the same thing from all of them,"The people on the official site are idiots (the message board posters). I don't know if I want to play this game if these guys are going to be running rampant throughout the server/universe."


I have come to the conclusion, as most of us have, that they (most of them anyway) are indeed flaming idiots and they will be running rampant on all servers...... unless we do something.


So here's what I propose; Several PAs have already indicated that they will be signing up for the Starsider Server. I too have decided to make this server my home because of this community. I think we need to take this one step further, every member of this community should also make this pledge (if they are not too entrenched in a PA that is on a different server or can get them to move) to make the Starsider Server their home. And furthermore declare within the community that we will not tolerate Griefers, abusive players, nor childish behavior. Of course we would do this in a non-threatining manner so as not to attract the attention of intentional griefers, etc.


At a minimum, we should be able to make a safe, whiner free, no "First" posting, non-spamming community to live in. That will enhance the game for all of us and others that decide to join "our" server.


What do you think?



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Well I did something I don't usually do, went to the official site. In an effort to learn about the Starsider server I learned that it is the most popular server out of them all. So my post may be mute since everyone and their brother have already decided to go on this server.



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