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sequenced, scripted events


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I would normally scour the posts to answer this, but search is disabled :(


Can someone point me in the direction of resources or posts for doing scripted, sequenced events in a single player level? I know it involves Icarus and triggers, but I'm just getting started and I'm not quite sure where to begin.


Here's an idea of what I'm trying to do:


1) Person #1 speaks a line of dialogue


2) Door opens


3) Person #2 speaks a line of dialogue and then walks towards you


4) Neutral NPCs walk through door


5) Door closes


6) etc., etc., etc.



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A can give you the address to Kengo's tutorials. They should help you somewhat. But most of the stuff specific to your map you must of course try out by yourself.





Beside these tutorials, be sure to check out and study the original Raven maps of Kejim_post and Cairn_dock, and corresponding scripts (notive that all cinematic scripts for all levels of the game are in the same folder cinematics in your SP_scripts subfolder of JK2_editing tools folder (or 3x what ever were the directory names)).

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Yeah, there was a time when I was really sorry I couldn't get the first part of Doomgiver (the level that ended at the Array complex) into my hands. I would have liked to know, how Raven did that tramcar with a closed cabin and a functional door that still moved with the cabin. What comes to the Yavin_temple, that was the other map I would also have liked to look at, first to study cinematics between Kyle and Luke, later on I became interested in the fighting between the Jedis.


So, as far as I know, those two you mentioned are the only ones (not counting MP).

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yeah it's definitely a shame there's only a couple maps to futz with. Anyway, thanks very much, lassev and frendon for all the help. I'm knee-deep in icarus right now and just slogging my way through. The sp scripts for yavin_temple have some good stuff in them. Thanks again.



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